meaghan & mike  |  workshop #21
meaghan & mike  |  workshop #21
Meaghan & Mike
Indianapolis, IN


Spring workshop announcement coming soon (now open to local photographers!) so make sure you’re on the mailing list!  (mailing list always gets a head start on booking). I’d love to have you!

Sending love and high fives to every single one of you! Thanks for everything friends!

~bobbi ❗


PS. Do you already “like” the Facebook business page? If not. DO IT!

Also… the business is on Instagram so be sure to follow @bobbiandmike  😀

For my personal Instagram feed, follow @bobbiphoto… though be warned, it’s mostly photos of my beloved pup #MurphyMo, my new #ZoBelleDog and iPhone sneak peeks of my sessions/weddings. 😉