
Meet the super talented Jess and Brett of Studio3z based out of Cincinnati… AHHHH WE LOOOOOOOVE THEMMMMM!!!!!!!

I’m sorry that Brett is SOOO DAMN HOTTTTTT!!!!!

LOVE this! πŸ™‚ Mikey took it, cantchyatell?


This CRACKS me up!Β  It’s so them…Β  Him being crazy and her not even flinching.

Bring it in tight…

Okay… so that little window sill that Brett is perched on is probably SEVEN FEEEEEET UP!Β  No… I’m NOT kidding you.Β  He said, “want me to climb up there?”Β  I… after seeing this HILARIOUS blog post (scroll down a bit and you’ll see what i’m talking about) of Brett “monkeying” his way up on a random ring on the side of a building KNEW what he was capable of so without hesitation I said, “SURE!”. With a run and jump.. he was up there within seconds… DONE AND DONE!!!!Β  And PS. AYKM with the GORGEOUSNESS that Jess is?! ANOTHER favorite ❗

These two did an amazing job of making this photo shoot about them.

This was their first house/apartment from ten years ago.Β  Other people live there now, but… I’m sure they didn’t mind the eye candy, HA! πŸ˜€

Yes… he can walk on his hands.Β  No, he’s not wearing socks πŸ˜‰


Hot legs!

I’m putting this one up just for you Jess. πŸ™‚Β  When I showed her this on the back of the camera she started to get a little emotional saying, “that’s sooo us.” πŸ˜€

HOT TAMALE! Mikey’s favorite ❓

We got a little experimental with the light… πŸ™‚

CINCINNATI, Ohio. WE flipping LOOOOOVE these two SOOOOO much. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!Β  WHERE DO I BEGINNNN?!??!!!???! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Jess is one of the sweetest, most patient, most adorable, most genuine people I’ve ever met.Β  Brett is crazy, super smart, OH SO hilarious and just plain awesome. Β  Together, they’re PERFECT!Β  We could seriously hang out with them all day. WHY OH WHY do many of our favorite people live far away from us πŸ™

They’ve been married for ten years… they got married in jeans and t-shirts and have never had professional photos of themselves. Before I go further… can I just tell you how much I love that they got married in jeans? πŸ™‚Β  Gosh we adore them!Β  Anyway… For their big ten year anniversary (coming up on December 23 πŸ™‚ ) they decided it was tiiiiiime for some photooooooos.Β  So, we made that happen. DONE AND DOOOOONE! πŸ˜€

We’re so honored, flattered and excited that you guys asked us to photo you.Β Β  How lucky are we that we get to hang out with such amazing people… it means the world to us.Β  GAH! I’m getting emotional… Bobbi=OTT!



~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓

EDITED TO ADD: Sometimes when I’m editing a session… I keep hearing a song in my head… almost a soundtrack to their session/their love/their story/etc.Β  Maybe I’m weird, but it’s what I do… and hey, I’m an artist so I have an excuse to throw out these crazy things. So what is this song you may ask?Β  Jason Reeves “Someone Somewhere”Β  Click here to listen for free. Please listen to it as you scroll through these… maybe you’ll see why… ORRR, maybe you’ll think I’m nutz.Β  Whatever… just go listen to it. πŸ˜€

PS. Many of you know that I’m a VERY picky eater… Jess and Brett talked me into eating at a Thai restaurant… and guess what…. I LIKED IT!!!!Β  ANNNND… it was the SAME place that Brett asked Jess’ dad for his permission to marry his daughter. HOW COOOL IS THATTTT?!

PPS. They have FOUR kids…WOWZERS TO THAT!Β  I want to meet them… if they’re ANYTHING like their parents I bet they’re balls of energy!

❗ + ❓